
Burke Playgrounds & Recreation

Join the Movement® and discover how play can move you! Browse our complete collection of playgrounds, safety surfacing, sports equipment and site furnishings to create a play environment your community will enjoy for years to come!

Superior Shade

Staying protected just got a whole lot cooler. At Superior Recreational Products (SRP), we provide our customers with standard and custom shade structures for nearly every outdoor location.

Superior Site Amenities

When you choose commercial outdoor furniture from Site Amenities, you choose picnic tables, park benches, trash receptacles, grills, bike racks and/ or other site amenities that are of the highest quality - and at the best prices, too.

Burke Inclusive Playgrounds

Inclusive play is primarily about all children having equal access to participate in play at the local playground regardless of ability, age or comfort-level. The goal is to offer all children a variety of activities at varying levels of difficulty in the same space.

Superior Shelter

Whether you have been trying to find the right sun shelter, outdoor shelter, or park shelter, we're the company you can trust for the unique, durable, and attractive quality structures that create just the right outdoor environment for you.

GARED Sports Equipment

Sports equipment for pro-arenas and universities, school yards, parks, high school gymnasiums, and in the driveways and home courts of people who recognize the value of reliability and product quality.